Computer Maintenance

Computer systems configuration, Maintance, Network Installation and Adminis

We have a pool of Hardware experts, Network Engineers & Electronics Technicians with years of experience to ensure that your computer systems are up-to-date and functioning at all times.

Our Hardware Experts are availble to ensure your installations are professionally done, all of your sytems are up to date and your staffs are trained to handled the basics. Our will also schedule priodic maintenance of your hardware equipment

Our Team of Network Engineers are every ready to setup up and configure your LAN or WAN and ensure interconnectivity between your offices are constistant. We also install and configure servers and routers and deploy all the requisistes policies that will  minimize  the risk of security breach on your network.

We can boast of a highly professional Electronics Technicians that will get down to details and repair those damanged components of your hardware as a result of electrical shock. We just don't stop there we will give you the requisite advise and recommend the right setup to mitigate this problem.
We repair the following:

  • Printers
  • Servers
  • UPS
  • Money/Bills Counting Machine
  • PCs
  • Switches/Routers
  • Power supply